Stop Drinking

& Transformation

Giving up the drink can be scary, even taking a temporary break can be scary.

However, once you have completely let go of the drink, then you come out of it as a victor, with new found strength, confidence and joy for life. Feeling Refreshed!

My name is Niclas Beckman and I’m here as your guide, to help you the whole way…

“If you can quit drinking alcohol in a world that is totally obsessed with it, then you can do anything.”

Create your best life

Create your best life

  • You were not born a drinker.

    Drinking alcohol is a learned behaviour, which has changed your state of consciousness and inner chemistry.

    Let’s now become the real, happy, healthy and free you again. Naturally, as you were always meant to be, from the beginning.

Are you really living your life as the real you?

You might say yes, but the more you drink the more the alcohol takes over the real you…

And it is hard to realise that yourself, because it is hard to see the lion that has eaten you...

In other words it is hard to realise anything anymore when the alcohol has taken over the real you.

"First a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes a man” - F. Scott Fitzgerald

 Ask yourself who is in charge of managing your state of being…? YOU or the Alcohol…?

Your greatest life awaits you on the other side of the drinking addiction.

Will you now dare to make that jump once and for all, into the real YOU?!

You got this one life and this is it, as in what you make of it!

When you decide to drink, you are in fact deciding that you cannot deal with life, with the reality that you have created for yourself, and you cannot properly manage your ‘NOW’ state of being… Then you in fact give up and give yourself over to alcohol, to poison and to destroy yourself just to have a temporary illusion of escaping yourself and your life as you experience it in your confusion about life and yourself at the moment. Or you might even decide to step into that drinking illusion permanently every day, to just self-destruct over time and actually WHY?! Maybe you just want to escape into drinking because you are not clearly seeing your own truth, greatness and unique value anymore? And you may have forgotten what it is to really love yourself, others and the world and now blaming others and the outer world? Or maybe you have lost that connection with the creative power inside of you to manifest the life you desire…? The reasons to drink can be big or small, but nothing is permanent, everything is subject to change and we are “change makers", and the Power to Change is in YOU!

When you drink regularly then overtime you start to ‘forget’ how to feel good naturally, or how to feel relaxed, or confident or happy etc… Start looking into new ways how to deal with your own feelings, to change your own state and how to create the life you desire. Start acting as the creator of your own reality, take control of your life!! That is how you stand out as a modern rebel and freedom fighter, by taking control of your life, improving your health and creating your own reality as per your heart's desires. Basically, live the life that is an expression of your Soul. That is why it is important to see sobriety from the point of view of your Soul.

Soul Based Sobriety

The goal for your Soul is to express itself, as you, not distorted by the alcohol frequency. Just being as the pure essence of you and why you came into this physical existence on Planet Earth, to fulfil your ‘Soul Dream’. See your stop drinking decision as Soul Based Sobriety. Shift the focus from what you give up to what you gain - Start living your life as you were meant to be since the beginning, as the real you, Be YOU. Be the One you have been waiting for.

Life IS, choose to love it, choose life over alcohol because alcohol is anti-life.

Choose the real you, as per your soul expression.

That’s the real life, as the real you, in the here and now, living and creating life with a clear, pure, and healthy body, mind and spirit, to thrive instead of just to survive. So that you can grow, evolve, express and expand and don’t have to do the same struggle over and over again in the next re-incarnation. We are here to create with joy, to grow and rise up in consciousness and help others with the same so that the whole of humankind can evolve and rise up in consciousness. Alcohol only suppresses consciousness and holds us down and stops us from fully living, growing, evolving and dims our light…

That is why the so-called rulers want us all ‘out of our mind’ with alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and watching TV to keep us distracted, powerless and act like cattle they can control and manage. So wake up, walk up, level up, lion up and shine your powerful light bright! We are here to uplift and rise up for the good of humanity and to take control and responsibility of our own life and creations. You cannot fully take control of your life when under the influence….

“It’s Time - Stop Drinking - Improve your Health - Transform your Life!”

Be the greatest version of YOU in your YOUniverse. 

Be Happy, Healthy and Free - Be Refreshed!



“After 21 days without alcohol - I was standing on the beach and suddenly it hit me…. I realised WOW!!... I now have peace within and receiving clear positive thoughts, finally. Thanks to being 3 weeks alcohol free, something had shifted within, or rather cleared out something inside that was blocking me, to be able to experience that inner peace and positive energy again... Priceless!! “

One of the most important things to have in life is purpose - from your Soul.

If you have lost connection with your soul, and instead live life focused on superficial external things, survival (and money), social status, sex or ‘getting others to love you’, or escaping in drugs, alcohol or any addiction, then you become hook-able by mainstream narratives, and creating chaos and suffering in your life… 

Then you are seeking fulfillment in temporary external effects instead of the internal cause (source) and leaving you feeling empty to just fill yourself full with alcohol again, hoping to somehow find that inner connection, but in vain…

If you have lost that inner connection with yourself due to an addiction then it almost won’t even matter what the dramatic story is that ‘they’ dish out to humanity, to you - you’ll swallow anything like a starving fish seeing a fake lure thinking that will help you to feel whole and connected again. 

Fear, Drama, False Projections, Hopelessness, Powerlessness. Loneliness, Drifting Aimlessly, Laziness etc.. all fuels the addiction - and a fast way to heal the addiction is to start focusing on living for/from your Soul Dream by becoming you again. Not from the little ego, but from the inspiration and intuition coming from your Soul, your Higher Self and sensing that Eternal Divine spark within again. Basically, give satisfaction to your Soul by doing all that you can to live your BEST LIFE. Fully using your gifts, talents and potential to be happy, healthy, and wealthy in a way that you can be satisfied with who you are and what you do at the end of each and every day.

A SOUL DREAM is a gift to yourself first, because it aligns with your unique gifts and passions (and conscious values) - it gives you energy.

And second, your soul dream will serve humanity or others in some way that is truly good for them - helps their life become more whole.

You literally start adding something good to the world - from your Soul.

And remember; alcohol only distorts the connection with your Soul, you then become “Soul-less”… The more you drink, the more you move away from the Soul Dream. Gradually drifting towards that ‘wanting to drink forever’ state. A low vibe, low frequency state in which you will eventually completely lose the connection with your Soul, and with everyone else for that matter… And who, or what, will you become then?!

That is why you are reading this now, to see and understand that it is time to heal the CONNECTION with your true self, your higher Self, your Soul, the flow of Life force energy, Divine Source or God or whatever you want to call that something that flows through you and makes Life and gives it Purpose. Choose LIFE - CHOOSE YOU.

“Give up the addiction and restore the connection.”

Your life will start to change the moment you decide to act.

For more coaching information; method, videos, books, newsletter and contact email - see below.


  • Awareness & Decision


  • Elevate Health & Consciousness


  • Life Vision & Transformation


Coaching, Books & Videos

To order the “Stop Drinking - Start Living” and the “Stop Smoking - Start Living books by Nick Beckman on Amazon - use the direct link to the Amazon website: HERE

To see more information about the coaching and to organise a 15-minutes Free Consultation Zoom call, to see if we are a good fit for coaching, go to the link below.


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Thank yoU

Let’s connect soon